Teaching Staff
This year our staff are:
- Mrs Allen – Y2A
- Mrs Farman – Y1/2F
- Mrs Cooper- Y1C
- Miss Brittain- KS1 TA
- Miss Daley- PPA Cover & Interventions
PE is every Tuesday and Wednesday. Continuing from last year, all children need to come into school dressed in their PE kit. Please provide appropriate sportswear for outdoor PE lessons for example, a hoodie, tracksuit bottoms and outdoor trainers. During PE children must take their earrings out or bring plasters to cover and hair must be tied back. If your child is attending a sports club at the end of the day, you may come to school wearing your school PE kit. Please no football kits.
Early Reading/Phonics Scheme
Reading is an important skill to learn and benefits your child’s development in many ways. In school we have a Reading Scheme for children who are still developing their early reading skills. This means that children’s books will reflect their phonics ability. Research suggests that when books are closely matched, children become more confident readers and enjoyment levels increase as a result. The books will be labelled Independent Read this is because children should be able to read the book with 95% accuracy to an adult.
Enjoyment Scheme
In addition to the independent phonics book, every child will take home a book of their choice from the classroom reading area. This book will be labelled Enjoyment. Your child will need adult support when reading this book as they might only be able to read some of the words. This support is important as it is not matched to their phonics or reading level, so please spend time reading this book with your child and enjoying it together.
Books will be changed once a week (Friday).
Each child will be provided with a homework pack each half-term. This will outline the curriculum coverage, spellings and times tables to be learnt (tested on a Friday) and the optional homework project. To supplement this every child will be given access to Times Tables Rockstars (Y2)/Numbots (Y1).
Playtime Snack
As we are a ‘Healthy School’, children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle to school to keep in the classroom so that they can have a drink when they need one. Children also receive a free piece of fruit each day which is provided at morning break. You are also welcome to bring your own healthy snack. We are a nut free school so please ensure no nuts are brought in to school due to severe allergies.
As always, we will be closely monitoring the progress your child is making and there will be termly assessments. There is one extremely important assessment which you need to be aware of. Year 1 will complete a phonics screening check which is a national test. Your support in helping your child with phonetical awareness would be very beneficial. Due to this being a national statutory test, it is especially important that your child attends school at this time.
School will use the following means of communication:
Arbor – payments, consent, whole school messages, pre order food.
SeeSaw –Showcase pupils’ work and 1:1 communication with teacher and parent
Weekly Newsletter – Important diary dates and celebration of work including star certificates.
School Website – School Policy and information about the school.
Year 1 email address – JFYear1@junctionfarm.org.uk
Year 2 email address – JFYear2@junctionfarm.org.uk
We look forward to a fantastic and memorable year.
Thank you for your support – KS1 Team