At Junction Farm Primary School we believe that to maximise your child’s potential, excellent attendance is essential. We understand that barriers to attendance can be complex, and that some pupils find it harder than others to attend school; therefore, we will continue to strive in providing a safe and supportive environment, as well as strong and trusting relationships with pupils and parents. All school staff work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends regularly and punctually and recognise the impact that our efforts in other areas – such as the curriculum, behaviour standards, bullying, SEND support, pastoral support, and the effective use of resources such as pupil premium – can have on improving pupil attendance.
Attendance is monitored daily, and parents/carers may receive a telephone call or letter from school if their child’s attendance becomes a concern.
Pupils can come into school from 08:40am and the school day starts promptly at 08:45am. If a child arrives at school after 08:55am without agreed prior arrangements, they will be marked late. Registers close at 09:15am and arrival at school after this time, without prior approval or exceptional circumstances, will be recorded as an unauthorised absence
Pupils arriving at school after 08:50am must enter through the school office to be signed in and order their lunch.
Parents are expected to:
- Make sure their child attends every day and keep requests for absence to a minimum taking family holidays during school holiday periods only
- Ensure their child arrives at school on time, a reason should be offered for lateness
- Call the school to report their child’s reason for absence before 9am on the day of the absence and each subsequent day of absence, and advise when they are expected to return as well as provide medical evidence where appropriate
- Provide the school with at least two emergency contact numbers for their child
- Ensure that, where possible, appointments for their child are made outside of the school day.
- Seek support from school where necessary, for maintaining good attendance
- Keep to any attendance plans that they make with the school and/or local authority
Request for holidays during term time
In line with the Government Guidelines, term time holidays will not be authorised, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please complete the leave of absence form here. Please note that parents could receive a fine form the local authority for taking children out of school for holidays or regular unauthorised absence amounting to 10 sessions or more within a 10 week period.
In accordance with the New National Framework for Penalty Notices which is now in effect, a Penalty Notice may be issued to you by the Local Authority. For your first offence, the Penalty Notice would be £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days and £160 per parent, per child if paid after this date and within 28 days.
Subsequent offences will be escalated which may result in prosecution. Please refer to the Local Authority’s Penalty Notice Code of Conduct for further information here – Procedure for the issue of penalty notices – Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
The school’s senior attendance champion is Louise Daly and can be contacted via Staff, parents and pupils may contact the senior attendance champion for queries or concerns about attendance.
At Junction Farm Primary School we celebrate Attendance through social media, newsletters and other parent/carer communications and sharing with families when attendance is good or improving.