Children are not allowed to leave the premises during school hours (including lunch break if they have lunch at school).

Illness – please telephone school before 9.00am on the first day with the reason for your child’s absence. And let us know each day your child is going to miss school.

Holidays during term time! In line with the new Government Guidelines term time holidays will not be authorised. The only exception to this rule is if parents receive scheduled holidays from their place of work and cannot select their time off. In this case 5 days may be authorised but only once evidence has been supplied by the employer to back up this exceptional circumstance. Even with this exception, NO holidays will be authorised during September or assessment times. Please note parents could receive a fine for taking children out of school for holidays.

Medical – school must be informed of any medical or dental appointments and evidence may be requested.

Legislation requires that schools must now distinguish between AUTHORISED and UNAUTHORISED absences of pupils of compulsory school age. In light of this, can I reinforce the need for parental contact with school in the form of written letters/notes, or telephone calls, either prior to or immediately following any absence of your child?

Leave of Absence Form

Attendance Policy