Welcome to Year 4!




Meet the Team

Class Teachers: Miss Relton (Y4R) and Miss Chapman (Y4C)

Additional adults: Miss Brittain, Mrs Badger, Miss Abbott and Miss Wyatt

On a Thursday afternoon, the children will be taught Spanish by Miss Best and Music by Mrs Bailey.

School Day:

Children should be lined-up on the MUGA by 8.40am so that they can be escorted into class for an 8.45am start. Children are dismissed from the classroom door at 3.15pm. Morning breaktime is 10.15am – 10.30am. Lunchtime is 12am – 1pm.


Daily uniform: PE Kit (to be worn on the day of PE lessons or if attending a sports after-school club):
  • Navy/yellow striped knitted jumper, tank top or cardigan.
  • White Shirt.
  • Blue and yellow
  • Striped Ties (elastic, clip on or full tie).
  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore.
  • Black school shoes.
  • Summer: Navy blue and white or yellow and white checked summer dress or grey school shorts, short sleeved shirt and school tie.
  • Navy shorts.
  • Navy T-shirt.
  • PE Trainers.
  • Winter: Navy blue hoodie and track pants


PE Lessons

Our PE days are: Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)

Please remember jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. Children must take out their earrings or use plasters from home to cover them.

Our Learning

We share and record lots of our learning via Seesaw so please look out for updates! Please feel free to share any learning or experiences at home too – we always love to see!

At the start of each half term, you will receive an information booklet which contains weekly spelling lists, times tables to be tested, optional homework projects and an overview of what will be taught. Homework projects are optional and are to be shared via Seesaw please. We will complete spelling and times table tests on a Wednesday. To support learning these at home, children can access Times Table Rockstars through their own personalised account and use the ‘Spelling Menu’ shared on Seesaw.

Parental support with reading at home is highly beneficial and has a huge impact on your child’s progress. Digital home-school reading records can be completed via Seesaw. Reading books should be in school daily please and should be changed when your child has completed a book.

In Year 4, children will complete the statutory online Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June. This is to ensure pupils are fluent in their times tables ready for Years 5 and 6. The MTC covers times tables up to 12 x 12. There will be 25 questions, each with 6 seconds to answer. To prepare children for this check, please ensure your child frequently accesses the ‘Sound Check’ section on Time Tables Rockstars as this mirrors the set up of the check.

Additional Information

At breaktime, children can bring a healthy snack to school to eat or purchase a healthy snack from our school tuck shop on Monday, Wednesday or Friday (60p per snack).

Children should come to school with their own water bottle, with fresh water daily.

Key Dates

  • Spring term: Y4 Class Assembly (date to be confirmed)
  • Monday 3rd March – Wednesday 5th March: Y4 Robinwood trip (further info to follow soon)
  • Wednesday 4th June – Friday 13th June: Y4 Statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Our school Facebook and School Website are great places to keep up to date with important information, reminders, updates and to celebrate of the work the children do in school.

Reports are sent out in Spring which are a detailed overview of your child’s learning followed by appointments for Parent’s Evening. You will receive a brief update in Autumn and Summer through a Record Card alongside the opportunity to drop into school to see your child’s work at our drop-in parents open evening.

Our School Rules

Be Ready * Be Respectful * Be Safe