Our approach to spending pupil premium is detailed in this pupil premium strategy. We continually identify and monitor those children who require support (including those who become eligible mid-year, such as children who qualify for free school meals or join school as a looked after or services child). The grant is an amount per child and although it is intended that schools use this money to close the gap in attainment between pupils and their peers, at Junction Farm Primary School we ensure that the Pupil Premium Grant children not only progress academically, but also become more confident, motivated individuals, by providing opportunities for cultural, personal and social development. Money is spent based on the child’s individual needs and interests. Parents of children receiving the Pupil Premium Grant are informed about the allocation of money through meetings, letters and emails from school.

From our analysis you will see that Pupil Premium Grant children at Junction Farm Primary School perform on the whole as well as or better than non-Pupil Premium Grant children; there is little or no attainment gap. In cases where there is a gap, staff swiftly identify where a child needs further support, resources or teaching.

All members of staff and governors accept responsibility for Pupil Premium Grant pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social, and academic needs within a caring special school environment. This is an essential, integral part of the supportive ethos of the whole school community. As with every child in our care, a child who is considered to be ‘socially disadvantaged’ is valued, respected and entitled to develop to his/her full potential, irrespective of need and success is celebrated.